Bible Translations Comparison


NKJV is my basic Bible for study and devotions; however there are many recent Translations which are good, and useful for comparison, and the NIV is useful for quick English understanding, and can be used in conjunction with Greek/Hebrew Interlinear.

I also like J.N. Darby, and New American Standard.

There are a number of Bibles which have been examined against ancient manuscripts etc. which carry the notes of the scholars.  One such is the “Companion Bible”, which has a large margin for the scholars’ notes, and is based on the KJV, with the original 1611 text untouched. In this case the scholars were Dr. Christian David Ginsberg a Greek and Hebrew scholar.  And Dr. E. W. Bullinger, Greek and Hebrew Scholar; who compared notes on their work.

Dr. Ginsberg had the added advantage of working for the British Library, and the British Museum; and being a trained Jewish Rabbi; prior to his conversion to Christ.


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